Process & Timeline

Benefits of Residency Program

by Investment

  • High quality of life.
  • Ability to include a spouse or unmarried partner, financially dependent children of any age (adult children must be full-time students), and financially dependent parents of the main applicant and/or their spouse who are 65 years and older.
  • Access to the public healthcare and education systems in the country.
  • A vibrant EU country that has majestic landscapes
  • The possibility to apply for Spanish citizenship after two years of effective residence for Sephardi Jews and citizens of Equatorial Guinea, Latin America, and the Philippines, and 10 years for other nationals.
  • Excellent schools, with tuition available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Mandarin
Access Schengen Countries

Visa-free travel to 29 countries in the Schengen member states.

Quick Contact
Have Any Questions?

+234 901 136 4479
Call Time: 10am-4pm

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